Professional Development Opportunity
The USS Colorado Educator Experience: Examining Literacy, History, and Technology through Primary Sources

Join TPS at MSU Denver, Denver Post Education Services, History Colorado, and the USS Colorado Commissioning Committee for a series of unique events leading up to the commissioning of the USS Colorado, the 15th Virginia class submarine.

Part 1: “Colorado History’s Greatest Hits” Online Series
View Archived Playlist – | Additional Hangouts Coming Fall 2015
Provided by TPS and Metropolitan State University of Denver, this series of Google Hangouts connects you to historians and scholars, and provides key historical context.

Part 2: USS Colorado Classroom Experience
July 28, 2015 | 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM – History Colorado Center | $25.00
Explore classroom-ready primary source materials and teaching ideas with Common Core and Literacy connections. Access History Colorado educational opportunities and a temporary USS Colorado historic artifacts exhibit.

Part 3: An Evening with Historians, Scholars, & Veterans
July 29, 2015 | 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM – History Colorado Center | $25.00
Attend a reception at the History Colorado Center, hear presentations by historians, scholars, and military veterans, and have access to a temporary USS Colorado historic artifacts exhibit. *Save $10 when you attend Part 2 and 3

Part 4: The USS Colorado Social Media Experience
TPS Teachers Network –
Share teaching ideas and activities with other educators, interact online with historians and scholars, and access a variety of professional interest groups and experts.

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Interesting Facts

USS Colorado 1858-1876
The first ship named USS Colorado was a 3500 ton three-masted steam frigate commissioned in 1858 and named after the Colorado River. During the Civil War, she participated in the Union Navy’s Gulf Blockading Squadron and successfully captured several vessels and engaged four Confederate steamers.

USS Colorado (ACR-7) 1905-1927
The second ship was an Armored Cruiser of the 13,900 ton Pennsylvania class and was commissioned in 1905. After initial operation on the east coast she served in the Pacific alternating between Asiatic Station and the eastern Pacific. She was renamed Pueblo in November 1916 to free up the name for the new battleship Colorado.

USS Colorado (BB-45) 1923-1947
The third iteration was the lead ship of the class and was commissioned on August 30, 1923. She served in European waters in 1923 to 1924 before transferring to the Pacific. Prior to WWII she served in the Pacific fleet and helped in the search for missing aviator Amelia Earhart in 1937. She earned seven battle stars for her service in WWII.

USS Colorado (SSN-778) 2016 –
The current USS Colorado is the 15th Virginia Class attack submarine and the top of her class. She is currently under construction in Groton, CT and will be commissioned in mid- to late-2016

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